Saturday, May 31, 2014

Freedom & Ethics. (Blog 1)

This week's lesson in journalism class reminded me of one of my favourite band member's (Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens) tweet that was posted last year in December that said "Freedom of speech should go hand in hand with restraint. Just because you have the right, doesn't mean you should say everything you think.".

I think that the control of the media yields both good and bad outcomes.

Good in a manner where people will not abuse their right to publish certain matters (because let's face it, there are people who post up some pretty illogical and baseless statements that serve no purpose) that may cause unrest amongst the public. Bad in a manner where most (if not all) laws and Acts that govern the publication of content in the media are partial to the government.

Personally, I think the government may have gone overboard with the restrictions and exceptions as there have been recorded proof on the amendments of said laws and Acts that occurred at the most convenient of times (for them, I mean), and there are obvious exceptions to said laws by news agencies that are under the government that have published some racial remarks and got away with it.

I think journalists – partial or impartial to the government – should always remain objective in their field. They also ought to be discreet and maintain a degree of respect to whoever they are writing about regardless of it being positive or negative news. Libel should be avoided especially if the journalist has something against the person he or she is writing about because it is unethical and therefore, unacceptable.

Sources :,+control+and+malaysian+media&hl=en&sa=X&ei=QyuHU4maM4-48gXMmoHYBg&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=ownership%2C%20control%20and%20malaysian%20media&f=false

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