Friday, May 30, 2014

(B1) Path to Freedom of Press

According to the article I've read, it was mentioned that Honduras' newspapers are member of Inter American Press Association (IAPA). There were efforts by IAPA to promote press freedom across Honduras but there are still press laws to be adhered by Honduran journalists. Former President Flores pledged to free the limits on press freedom but it wasn't successful. Under previous governments, free press still remain unseen.

I was wondering under your current government, President Porfirio Lobo Sosa, is there any progress for a freer press?

Besides that, are there any measures taken by your government to protect the journalists from being attacked and ensure the safety of the press especially after the incident of the murder of journalist AnĂ­bal Barrow?


  1. Hi Cynthia
    Porfirio Lobo Sosa was our former president and he wasn't successful , now we are under the government of Juan Orlando Hernandez, as our president promises that the problems of corruption and crimes will improve and also to make the press more transparent.

    Sometimes the government can not solve all the crimes that have been committed on the journalists, who only wanted to inform the country about corrupt acts and other things.

    The Case of Anibal Barrow was very painful also the other cases from other journalists, The people who committed the crime of Anibal are in jail, but the person in charge of the crime, pitifully we don't know who he is.

    1. Hello Marina,
      Thank you for your reply!
      The journey to a more transparent press wouldn't be easy to achieve overnight but I do hope under the leadership of President Hernandez, there will be improvement.
