No, the Malaysian social media cannot be censored. Yes, they can try, but knowing how angry people can get, (and if I were them) I probably wouldn't try. I foresee serious repercussions if such a move is made - from riots to angry complaint letters, from formations of groups to overthrow the authoritative figures to pleads from angry nationals to other country's authorities for help - you name em, we'll probably already do them or at least, plan to do them.
Social networking sites are what most people live for and personally, I think that makes it a great platform to 'reach out' or disseminate ideologies, messages, announcements, news, whatever you want people to know. Almost everyone I know (from old aunties to lecturers to the cute guy who went to the same school as I did) is on Facebook. Quick glances over my shoulder whilst having a meal at a local coffee shop would result in me seeing people of all ages busy tapping away at their smartphones or snapping images to be upload on one of their favourite social network app(lication)s.
Since everyone's on a social networking site or more, I think social media can be used to the advantage of many people (including authoritative figures) mostly because it has a broader audience and messages can be spread a lot faster and cheaper there. After all, campaigning can cost quite a sum of money.
Furthermore, Malaysia's a progressive (and democratic) country. Censoring social networking sites would only result in our country going backwards (and there won't be anyone favouriting our ministers' tweets!). Elections are held in our country to determine the government, and censoring the media would result in the younger generation (who are the majority of social media addicts) voting for a change in the government. I highly doubt the main players now would want to risk this much, now do they? New voters (and younger ones) are sprouting out with every passing election, I wouldn't want to make them upset if I were in the authorities' shoes.
What, how, and why do you consume social networking sites?
Reblog, like, favourite, retweet, pin!
This is kinda how my daily routine goes.
Personally, I use social networking sites to interact with my friends who are scattered all across the globe, find ideas and inspiration, read up on the latest fads and trends, and even for entertainment purposes. I spend most of my time (provided there's WiFi available and no assignment to rush for) online on Twitter and on Tumblr.
I disagree how some people think that the Internet has killed interactivity or communications between individuals because if anything - I think that the Internet has made people closer. I have friends that I've met on Tumblr (years ago) who are more concerned about my well being than my own friends here. Ones that have made me feel a little less lonely because we share the same taste in music, or the same taste in movies, or even the same taste in books and I'm able to talk to them about my sentiments on the latest album, or film, or book.
"With great power comes great responsibility" - an overused line from Spiderman, but it reigns true even in terms of social media consumption. How you use it, why you use it, and what you use it for determines everything.
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