Can the Malaysian social media be censored? Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and etc, each of these has terms and conditions about posting offensive or appropriate content. In my opinion, social media can be censored. Most users of social networking sites are aware that whatever they post or share, such as photos, can be viewed by anyone. Many of these sites remind users to think about what they should or should't post or share and also who will able to view their statuses. Our privacy will be more protected when social media is censored.
What, how and why do I consume social networking sites? There may be as many as hundreds of social networking sites all around the world, however, I am currently using only Facebook and Twitter. So, how do I use them? Before I post or share a status, video, photo, and etc I would think twice first. I do not vent frustrations on social networking sites because I feel that it is unnecessary to do so. I only post or share positive things. Other than that, I use Facebook to chat with friends, either for fun or some important discussion such as group assignment or examination stuff. I prefer social networking sites over texting through my handphone because its faster, easier and free.
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