Monday, June 9, 2014

B2 - Malaysia Boleh! (Malaysia, can do it!)

                                   (Retrieved from:

          Malaysians have always had this rooted mind where they are belong to where they were came from, for example: Chinese in Malaysia came from China; Indians in Malaysia came from India; Malays in Malaysia came from Indonesia. In fact, descendants of these immigrants are practicing Malaysian cultures, lifestyle and practices, unlike their ascendants which were practiced the old lifestyles and cultures from their origin countries. A Malaysian, does not necessary means to hold a blue identity card (blue identity card is for Malaysia citizens); A Malaysian, does not necessary means to hold Ringgit Malaysia (RM), the currency of Malaysia. In my personal opinion, these are to prove that instead of being a Malaysian in a physical form by having a Malaysia identity card and RM, where they do not appreciate and participate in Malaysian cultures, lifestyles and practices, they are not a real Malaysian. A real Malaysian should participate in the diversity of Malaysia’s cultures and lifestyles which Malaysians are practicing the “multi(s)”, the multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-lingual, where they actually eat different cultures food, enjoy the different festivals, , speak different languages and more. 

          Malaysians eating culture are way more simple where they can eat it with anytime and anywhere whereby, breakfast serve with a plate of ‘Roti Canai’ and a cup of ‘Teh Tarik’ in a mamak stall where we usually hangout at; Lunch serve with a plate of ‘Nasi Lemak Bumbung’ in a malay stall; Hi-tea serve with a cup of ‘Kopi-Beng’ (Iced Coffee) in a Kopitiam (Coffee stall in Chinese dialect, Hokkien); Dinner serve with Chicken Satay and another Malaysian cuisine in some stall or restaurant. Some people might not be realized that they are eating Malaysia’s traditional food with cross-cultural where it have actually penetrates into their life and become the basis of their eating habits.  

          The diversity of Malaysia is the one which unites us and forms a stronger bond among Malaysians. However, no matter how strong the bonds among Malaysians are, there’s always some frictions occur where media often show provocative racial, religion and ethnicity issues which may lead to the ending where the bonds among Malaysians have weaken. Ever since I gained conscious about the racial differences among Malaysians, from my point of view such as Chinese and Indians often suffered from the prejudice where Chinese and Indians should go back to where they belong to. For instance, Chinese should go back to China and Indian should go back to Indian due to provocative racial issues portrayed by media. When I started to grew up and be more alert to the surroundings, I then came to realize that if Malaysians are more aware about racial differences and sensitivities among Malaysians, Malaysians would not be so easily get provoke by the sensitive issues reported by media, and the bond will be stronger if we could understand each other more. 

          “Together we'll stand, Divided we'll fall – Wilbert Harrison”. Let’s unite together as one, as a family, community and country. Malaysia boleh! 

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