Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Info about Honduran journalism

Hi guys I`m Oscar and I just want to share with you all a little bit of what we are living with our journalism today in our country. It is sad but it is the truth. But it has a bright side too but I`ll start with the bad news first.

here you go:

It`s a pleasure to be interacting with you all, I`m enjoying this very much. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. I have a problem with articles like this one, from foreign organizations which don't investigate the country's social climate and only give out numbers and data that can be found anywhere. I don´t deny that we live in a climate of insecurity and that this may journalists have been killed. But have all died in the line of duty? A few have. But others have been victims of assailants like any other person can be. Furtheremore, there are some who have been part and source of corruption and have died because they met with someone more corrupt and unscrupulous. This is never spoken, and it never shows in these articles from foreign "freedom watching" organizations.
