Monday, June 2, 2014


Based on discussion:

What do you think of the Honduran media? Is it free? not free? controlled? regulated?


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  2. journalism in Honduras is not objective at the time of transmitting the news, one group depends on the interests of the government in turn others prefer to transmit their point of view, they never tell the stories like the way they are happening. In Honduras is a really good business and when i say "business" i'm saying it all, they only care for the advertising not for the information they give to the audience.

  3. The media is important to society and its influence is increasingly decisive in making, decisions, and public policy, But not always the influence and importance are taken with proper responsibility in the terms of professional and ethical spirit. Therefore, it is necessary that the entire society, remain alert about the role that the media plays, and especially the ethics they have.

  4. I believe Honduran media are free in the sense that there is no censorship from the government or state. One may find news programs in radio and TV that editorialize the news according to the political faction or party they favor. At anytime, anywhere in the country, you may find a newscast that shares your views and opinions. However, we are experiencing self censrship and not in a good way. Crime rate has gone up and drug cartel activity has taken over some regions. Journalists censor themselves as a way of self preservation.

  5. The National Telecommunications Comission is the state entity in charge of the administration and regulation of all telecommunications services. It's board is integrated by public and private sector officials. It is not a censoring entity, only an administrative one.

  6. Media in Honduras is really important and is not that regulated.The Internet has provided a means for newspapers and other media organizations to deliver news and, significantly, the means to look up old news. Some organizations allow their archives to be freely browsed.

  7. in Honduras there is no censorship, but really news reporters chilling suspicions Player Kills, as the company symbol or silent warning not to continue disclosures against the state, are circulated but this is a hypothesis of most of Player Kills journalists in Honduras.
    What if it's not true because there is a police record on Honduras that has arisen because of something like state?. So because there is both a journalist in Honduras that says what is most convenient for the government in some cases either an editorial, television and radio stations, both control and self-censorship among journalists.

  8. Los medios en Honduras a mi punto de vista son libres a sus anchas, en el aspecto que pueden decir lo que quieran y hablar de quien se les ocurra, no hay censuras por parte del gobierno, y la parcialidad se nota cuando favorecen al partido polĂ­tico o empresa que les apoya, ya sea omitiendo las malas noticias o hablando maravillas de tales.

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  10. thank you everyone. We appreciate it!
