Monday, June 16, 2014

B3 - Power of Social Media

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Social media, act as a group of internet based applications in sharing ideas, interactions and information globally with each other. With the main idea of sharing and exchanging information, bad rumours can be created such as personal attack and sensitive issues can break the unity bonds among Malaysians’ different races, religions citizens. We cannot deny that social media can be censored entirely by government to remove the bad rumours that are the past weakness, the future threaten to national security in government’s eyes. The main problem is, how well or why do they censor the social media entirely? With banning the engine search such as Google, the social media such as, Facebook, Youtube, Tweeter and others? If social media is censored in Malaysia, the freedom of speech for Malaysians will be deprived completely. 

          With these, social media in Malaysia should not be censored where social media play few important roles in economical, political, and social. In economically, I believe that Malaysia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be decreasing whereby the chances for audience in purchasing products are reducing. Audience will not found any advertisements in social media where it has censored. Besides that, in politically, an important role played by social media is they can essentially disseminate government propagandas and ideologies to brainwash the citizens. Furthermore, social media is playing another important role in socially, whereby it acts as socialization agent. It does influence the way we speak, we dress, we think and many other more. As a conclusion, social media cannot be censored entirely due to the advantages that will beneficial to government and citizens and it formed win-win situations. 

          Basically, most of us do own Blogger, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and almost every social media accounts. The ‘most of us’ do include me myself. With the help of social media, I can keep in touch with my friends in just one second speed, can browse through the funny videos that shared by Facebook users, and even can browse through the quick and highlight news eventhough the credibility and reliability is doubted; I can search for the latest music videos or short news video clips with Youtube; I can blogging for some assignment purposes; I can share the precious moments that I’ve captured and upload photos in Instagram. Almost everything that is you think possible and impossible can be done with social media. Thus, never looking down the power of social media, and never misuse it where it can lead a major ‘disaster’ to you.


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