Sunday, June 22, 2014

(B4) Status of the current world - Media

At some point I love to talk and fight for what's happening in our country. Now, now, we know that media plays an important role in changing and shaping each an every one of us and we call this generation, Gen-Y :)

Gen-Y people are the 'easiest' to be affected by certain breaking news. For example, the 'dirty' plan used by the government to win the recent General Election has break the whole nation a part and almost everyone gather and demonstrate to show their disappointment and regret about it. No doubt that media has influenced us all by looking differently at certain issues. 

The current status of end user are very productive in the sense that, *talking about most of the user* if they use social media, they will fully utilize it to the maximum by updating their facebook status, tweet, uploading photos on instagram and therefore making social media their number one tool to do first. For instance, whenever they wanna eat lunch, they take pictures first or wherever they go, they will update their facebook first compare to those days where social media wasn't even there yet, people just continue to do what they want to do.

The impact on audience from social media is that social media might have taken over humans, which means technology is much more smarter and better than a human's brain and this would cause stupidity. People does not even bother what other people might think or what will the outcome be but they just post whatever they like. Some are aware of the consequences of posting images or videos but some aren't. Rumours caused people to believe on deceiving chatter and society might think that those chatter might be true. This is utter nonsense because of their mindset and yes, it all depends on how you judge things in a right or wrong way because some things might just fool you.

In contrast, audience, has influence social media in many ways. First of all, humans, created technology and some might misuse it or overuse it but no matter what, the audience's wants will always be more than their needs. They always demand a higher platform quality, best outcome and they want things to run the fastest hence, always pushing the social media to its limit. Basically, social media will always be filled with the latest news, video, information about certain issues and so on.

Even now, brands are changing their ways on how to communicate to their audiences through social media *wow* 

Coming to an end, government has no authority to censor or ban the Internet because of the majority usage of Malaysian and you can see how much a certain news evoke such great impact to the country. But as I was saying, media has its negative outcome, which is much confusing due to the amount of news we can get over the media. There are also news about the country's Internet access will be banned over some time but so far, I don't think the execution will be successful. So, Malaysia will definitely not change the technology in this country and if they do, be ready for some war!

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