Friday, June 6, 2014

Being a Malaysian (Blog 2)

I’m proud to call myself a Malaysian, being a Malaysian is not about having a proof of a birth certificate, officially regarded as a permanent resident in this country or even having an identification card. To me, being a Malaysian is way more than all these things such as culture, language, behaviour, stereotyping and many more. Whenever people asked, what is the special thing about Malaysia? Most people will answer food, multi-racial, our lingo and all. These are just part of the characteristics of Malaysia.

To me being a Malaysian is not very easy, as we all try to search or even face many difficulties of trying to overcome the harmony that we all claim to have. Yes, Malaysia is a multi-racial country and all of us will never be the same as one another, we will always be of different roots, but should be seen as the same family. Not only that, being a Malaysian it would mean that we should believe in our own country as many people of other places thought that we are still living on trees in the jungle, we should not be ashamed of facing this kind of question from people. Being a Malaysian is really unique, we are one of the country who love to spend time over meals such as lunch, dinner or even supper, this is how we are able to have bonding session with friends and family. 

Besides all these things, the media has been portraying many inappropriate news about race, religion and ethnicity, in this area many has turned their back against the government of the country. Personally, I respect all the other races and religion and in everything they celebrate and do. Racial issues has been always a big thing in Malaysia, such as the issues of using the word “Allah” by Christians, was not allowed to be used to call their God as it was only meant for Islamic religion. Somehow, it affected me because I am a Christian and all these things are being portrayed on television and social network about other religion are not being able to use the word ‘Allah’ besides Islam. All these things affects me on how I will look at the government and how powerful our social media can be to able to portrayed all of this.

In conclusion, every country has their strength and weaknesses it is how we are going to look at it and embrace it. The most essential thing to me as to what makes me a Malaysian is that to strive and find ways to overcome the struggle of trying to be a peaceful and harmonious country to live in.

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